Convert from mmol/l to mg/dl (and vice versa)

In the Netherlands, the results of a glucose measurement are read in the unit of measurement mmol/l. This stands for millimoles per liter. A normal fasting value is between 4 and 8 mmol/l. In many other countries – including Belgium and Germany – the unit mg/dl (milligram/deciliter) is used. A normal value is between 80 and 140 in mg/dl.

Meters have one specific unit of measurement, and you cannot switch between those units. A meter is either mmol/l or mg/dl. Pay attention to this when purchasing a meter. On (almost) all meters are only in mmol/l. This can sometimes be annoying for our Belgian customers.


The conversion tables below offer a solution. You can easily convert your results to mmol/l or mg/dl yourself. These tables can be used to calculate glucose values, a different conversion applies to cholesterol values. They cannot be used for cholesterol!

The unit of measurement applies to the meter. For test strips it does not matter in which unit the meter measures.

mg/dl to mmol/l

mg/dl = mmol/l divide by 0,0555. For example: 3,3 / 0,0555 = 59,46 ≈ 60.

mg / dlmmol / l
20~ 1,1
40~ 2,2
50~ 2,8
60~ 3,3
70~ 3,9
80~ 4,4
90~ 5,0
100~ 5,6
120~ 6,7
140~ 7,8
160~ 8,9
180~ 10,0
200~ 11,1
220~ 12,2
240~ 13,3
260~ 14,4
280~ 15,5
300~ 16,7
350~ 19,4
400~ 22,2
450~ 25,0
500~ 27,8

mmol/l to mg/dl

mmol/l = mg/dl divide by 18,0182. For example: 162 / 18,0182 = 8,99 ≈ 9.

mmol / lmg / dl
2~ 36
3~ 54
4~ 72
5~ 90
6~ 108
7~ 126
8~ 144
9~ 162
10~ 180
11~ 198
12~ 216
13~ 234
14~ 252
15~ 270
16~ 288
17~ 306
18~ 324
19~ 342
20~ 360
25~ 450

The tables above can be used for conversion. If in doubt, we always advise you to consult your doctor.

Most popular glucose meters (mmol/l)

25 thoughts on “Convert from mmol/l to mg/dl (and vice versa)”

  1. Dear people behind DIABETES MAGAZIJN.NL
    Thank you very much for the useful information, as a nurse at a shelter for the homeless, I was suddenly confronted with a blood sugar meter from Belgium and values ​​in mg/dl. Your information turned out to be very useful. However, I have one comment and that is: the formulas are too difficult for daily use. The degree of accuracy is also not necessary for general use. If you simply divide mg/dl by 18 instead of 18, you arrive at virtually the same number. The 0182 from your example divided by 162 is also 18. The calculation from mmol/l to mg/dl is even simpler when you know that division is the opposite of multiplication. Then divide by 9 and multiply by 0,0555. The 18 from your example times 3,3 = 18 instead of 59,4, rounded off to 59,46 instead of 59. This is accurate enough for daily use and can also be done by heart with some practice. . Thanks again and kind regards, Amand.

    1. I have a MOM hip and my blood value is 39 for chromium and 34 for cobalt. Is this increased, slightly increased or strongly increased? And the unit is nmol/l. How do you convert this to microgr/l?

      Kind regards


      Good evening,

      This is approximately 5,6 mmol/L. On a level-headed basis, we assume that anything below 6 mmol/L does not mean diabetes. So a good outcome.


      Hello Rose Marie, see the response above.

      “This is approximately 5,6 mmol/L. On a level-headed basis, we assume that anything below 6 mmol/L does not mean diabetes. So a good outcome.” If in doubt, always consult your doctor.

  2. Good Morning,
    What if this is between 6.2 and 6.9 when taken on an empty stomach. My age is 61 years. Am I in a risk group? (weigh 75kg)

  3. Dear, everything is currently being monitored due to pregnancy combined with a gastric bypass.
    After 1 hour of eating my first value was 78. Then before lunch it was 82, 1 hour later it was 131. Then at dinner before my value was 83 and 1 hour after that it was 61. Just before going to sleep 1 hour half in between it was 101 again, is this all correct? I really don't understand it myself.


      Hello Celine,

      We cannot say whether this is correct. Glucose values ​​fluctuate throughout the day, and the value is much higher, especially after a meal.
      The tables above serve as an aid in the conversion. They do not provide medical advice in specific situations.

      You should really contact your doctor if you have any questions.

  4. Dear,
    My 12-year-old daughter had a fasting score of 6,3 even though she had no dinner. And 2 3,8 hours after eating.
    Should I contact my GP?
    I like to hear it!
    Yours faithfully,


      Hi Lamyaa,

      The tables above serve as an aid in the conversion. They do not provide medical advice in specific situations.
      You should really contact your doctor if you have any questions.

  5. Dear,

    Are the blood sugar levels the same for everyone, even if you don't have diabetes? Or are there other target values? And can this always be seen with a glucose meter or does it require further investigation? I have celiac disease and that is often related to type 1 diabetes. They could not immediately see celiac disease in my blood because I had normal values, but they only found out after further tests. Now I already have a number of Days in my opinion quite low blood sugar, namely 4,6 before dinner. I don't know if that is normal and what to do. In any case, the doctor does not take my complaints seriously.


      Hello Noah,

      In a fasting state (eight hours before eating or drinking anything except water), we assume that you do not have diabetes with a value of less than 6,1 mmol/L. Just after eating (not fasting) that value is 7,8 mmol/L.

      With normal blood sugar, the values ​​are between 4 and 8 mmol/L in a non-fasting state. In that respect, 4,5 mmol/L is not very strange. But if you have any doubts, you should still visit your doctor. Or alternatively, contact a diabetes nurse with these questions. We do not provide medical advice and cannot tell you what you should do.

  6. What actually happens if it is too high, 10 mmol?
    already taking medication metformin 2 x 850. overweight, 78 y.

  7. Dear,
    My husband (75) always has normal values ​​when fasting in the morning, but after meals they can rise to 13 and more.
    Our (French) doctor says that as long as the fasting blood values ​​are good, there is no problem.
    I don't quite understand this, do you?

  8. I use a glucose sensor and, for example, see low blood sugars at night, after which the body corrects from below 4 to 8, so my fasting value means little.

  9. Hello, I want to ask, I have a bit of anemia and have been given iron tablets and have 8 HB and 2 ferretin, now the question is how many iron tablets should I take if I have 2.0 HB


      Hello Harry, we cannot answer these questions. You really need to see your doctor for this.

  10. Hello, I want to ask what I should add.
    I always have between 9 and 10 when fasting, and between 14 and 15 after dinner
    I have short-acting insulin (aspart)

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