Diabetes and the coronavirus: be alert

Diabetes and the coronavirus: be alert

Am I more likely to become infected with Corona (COVID-19) as a diabetes patient? It is a question that many people with diabetes have. We will provide some more clarity about the consequences that the coronavirus has for people with diabetes.

Risk factors coronavirus

In China, research was published earlier this month by the “Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention” (CCDC), based on data from 44.000 corona patients. One of the results is that certain factors play a role in the development of serious complications and even death. The main factors are older age (70 years and older) and having another (chronic) condition, such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, lung disease or diabetes. In other words, older people and people with serious conditions are more likely to develop complications if they contract the coronavirus. They are no longer at risk of becoming infected. That is still a big misunderstanding. As far as we know now, everyone has the same chance of becoming infected, regardless of age or condition.

Elderly and diabetic patients

About 1,2 million Dutch people have diabetes. Many of these patients are elderly. This means that they fall into two risk groups. Why are they more vulnerable to COVID-19? Older people's bodies function less well than those of an 18-year-old. For example, the lungs of the elderly are less healthy due to cardiovascular disease, lung disease, smoking or a generally less functioning immune system. It is known that the Corona patients mainly suffer from serious lung complaints, sometimes requiring them to be on a ventilator in the ICU for weeks. That makes it extra risky. Just like the elderly, diabetes patients also have a less effective immune system. They are also less resistant to the coronavirus. This applies to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They may suffer more from symptoms such as breathing problems, fever, coughing, respiratory diseases and sore throat. However, we cannot tar all diabetics with the same brush. Every patient is unique and some suffer more from ailments than others.

Diabetes and coronavirus

But what makes diabetes a risk factor for corona infection? If you suffer from the chronic metabolic disease diabetes, the pancreas no longer produces much or no insulin. This insulin is essential in keeping blood glucose levels in balance. It ensures that the glucose in the blood is absorbed by the cells in the body. Without insulin, the glucose level in the blood will increase, resulting in high blood sugar levels. In combination with an excess of fatty substances in the blood, this can result in cardiovascular disease in the long term. This is caused by damaged blood vessels. This makes it easier for fats to stick to the blood vessels (arteriosclerosis). Sometimes they can become completely blocked, preventing sufficient blood and oxygen from being absorbed by essential organs in the body. The consequence of poorer blood circulation is that the body has more difficulty defending itself against a harmful virus, such as COVID-19.

Extra precautions for diabetes patients

What measures can you take as a diabetes patient? Always follow the guidelines of the RIVM, so avoid social contact, stay indoors as much as possible and wash your hands regularly with soap and water. Because it is not yet known how long everything will take, it is advisable to have sufficient medication and aids at home. In addition, it is recommended to monitor the glucose level even more often with your blood sugar glucose meter. Pay close attention to your eating and drinking habits. Drink enough water. In addition, it is wise to regularly measure the ketones in the blood when you inject insulin with high blood sugar levels.

So be alert and #staystrong

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